Rangs Diorama Kitchen setup
Our most recent venture into cabinetry with MDF based boards. This unique setup for our client in Gulshan-1, Dhaka was done in collaboration with HIVE Interiors and Rangs Properties Limited (RPL) to give a trendy kitchen outlook.
- Rangs Properties Limited (RPL)
- November 01, 2023
- B2B Corporate
- Domani MDF Board

Prof. Hasina (BRAC University)
Our unique collection of wooden surface tiles bring with it an eye catching and soothing visual like no other.
Our client Prof. Hasina at Mirpur, Dhaka took full benefit of this in their newly made home.
- Prof. Hasina (BRAC University)
- December 30, 2023
- B2C Individual
- Wooden Tiles

FS Heights Rooftop
Weathertex claddings have now immersed its way into rooftops with a unique and plush outlook.
Our recent collaboration with Inspace Architects and Rangs Properties Limited (RPL) brought these unique natural wood products into life at the FS Heights project in Baridhara, Dhaka.
- Rangs Properties Limited (RPL)
- https://rangsproperties.com/projects/fs-heights
- B2B Corporate
- Weathertex

Prestige Bengal Ltd. (Head Office)
From simple spaces to sophisticated and elegant setups, our products supplement the very essence of each.
This unique personal project of Prestige Bengal Ltd. shows how tiles and bathroom setups have been ably complimented by brands based in Europe.
- Mr. Aman Moyeen
- September 01, 2023
- https://prestigebengal.com/
- B2B Corporate
- Eago Sanitaryware, ilife Faucet

Unimart’s Chef’s Table
Excellence Meets Architectural Elegance and Design Perfection at Unimart’s Chef’s Table, situated at the heart of Gulshan-I. Australian-made Weathertex Selflok Vgroove Natural 150mm cladding is used at the roof-top.
- Unimart
- July 01, 2022
- https://www.united.com.bd/our-concerns/chefs-table/
- B2B Corporate
- Weathertex

RANCON’s Artisti Residences
RANCON’s premium flagship apartment ‘Artisti Residences’ in Gulshan-II now glimmers with Weathertex Selflok Vgroove Natural 150mm weatherboard.
- Rancon Development Ltd.
- December 12, 2023
- https://rancondevelopments.com/projects/artisti-residences/
- B2B Corporate
- Weathertex